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27 February 2019

Florence - Recommended Place

Florence is one of the most visited towns in Italy accordingly to different ratings. You can find here not only tourists running here and there to see everything possible in a few hours available before they have to take the next train. Many entrepreneurs come to this city during the numerous specialized industry shows. Especially those bound to the world of fashion.

And it's not by chance that one of the most beloved luxury brands (second by the number of items sold in the world) begins its story in Florence: Gucci in its rating published about a month ago announced to have two Gucci Places in the town this year.

I visited Florence different times mostly not as a tourist but as a translator and, for this reason, I had not the possibility to see the town: I did not have much time for the walks. Imagine how sad it is when you live more than 20 years in Italy, travel regularly, but never visit anything except the railway stations or the airports. This is why I elaborated a "sly" strategy that allows me to visit places I'm interested in: I arrive at least one hour earlier and go directly to the tourist attraction I want to see. This is how could my one-hour tours born. You will remember my posts about the walks in Rome in this blog.

So, I bought a city-map from Florence and visited one-two-three places at a time. Now, if I arrive in Florence, I know what and where to see.

Today I don't want to tell you about the known things you will find in every book, I'll tell you about ONE picture I love. I did not expect to see something like this in a church and I was really very impressed by it even if there are much more precious pictures in the central nave of the church.

As you can see in the photos it's a (left) chapel, very spacious. And this is why the leg of the man seems to be naturally out of the frame.

The church, S. Marco, is situated not too far from the railway station and contains a great number of precious pictures of the XV century. So, if you have only one hour, you can still see something important in Florence, too.

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