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31 May 2009

Why Is It Nocera "Inferiore"

Here on the photo is Nocera Inferiore, a little "town" on one side of the "plate" with the center of Vesuvio, volcano. The mountains are situated round the Vesuvio, about 10 km from it. So if you post the volcano on the right of this photo and go more right, you will arrive to Sarno and the mountains over it.

Here on the second photo is the part of Nocera Superiore. With Vesuvio on the background. And there is Nocera Inferiore too.

So you can understand the difference. Nocera Inferiore ("low") are many very little settlings in the lower part of the valley. Nocera Superiore ("higher") are many settlings situated on the hill part of the territory of Nocera.

If you are interested in the antique history, the territory of Nocera was the place of many impressionant and tragic human stories. And was very important town from IX cent. BC till around VII century.

27 May 2009

Direct TV Moves With Me

My husband can't live without TV. He passes hours and hours with this his "friend". So, we were interested to fnd a dealer that will offer us many channels, good quality and good costs. Collegues told him about www.DirectSatTV.com and we've sweetched to it. We are content: we have over 130 digital quality picture and sound channels (except others) and the costs are beyond all doubt more interesting as we had before.

I'm not interested in sports and games that are featured in www.DirectSatTV.com, it's my husband that is a fan of them. I don't understand men: everyday he has to watch all the news and Sunday is now a Holyday, all dedicated to sports. He watches every game of NFL SUNDAY TICKET every Sunday now.

Well, the good news was we will find www.DirectSatTV.com in California when we move there. Customer service is one of the best nationwide. And than we had free installation in 4 rooms and free handling and delivery because ordered online. I can watch my HD documentaries and local channels and my husband has his sports and news at any time he wants them. Happy family with happy TV solution. Do you think, it's a joke? No. It's reality.

22 May 2009

About People In Turkey

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The photos you see here are all from Antalya, a city situated in Turkey. I heard about it the first time just some minutes ago and wanted to investigate a little about this interesting place.

As you see on the photos, it has not only beautiful nature but very ancient history that remembers Romans and Greeks (in fact, it's name is Greek). It was part of different Empires and states and every culture leaved there it's buildings and habits. It's very interesting.

One of my friends went to visit Turkey many many years ago, when the tourists were not too common all over the world. She came there with her husband that was a sailor. So, when they were in the ports of Turkey and worked there she had time to visit the cities. She spoke english and franch only and did not know any word in Turkish. And imagine, she left her way.

She told me, one seller from a little shop, where she entered to ask where to go, not only explained her what to do -even if he did not know to speak any language she spoke!- he asked her to rest a minute and offered her a cup of tea with bisquits and other turkish sweet specialities.

She was so delighted by the behaviour of that man! She said, she has never seen such a person and hospitality in all her life.

Римская арка в Анталье
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17 May 2009

Active Volcanos

I wrote about Vesuvio in my previous post and we spoke just different times that it's terrible to live near an active volcano. I thought about the volcanoes in Italy like Etna and Stromboli that are always active, not like Vesuvio and Solfatara in our zone that produce only gas actually, even if Vesuvio, they say, is one of the most dangerous volcanos on the Earth (It's eruption will be as a very powerful explosion.) So I wanted to look for information about other active volcanos.

I found that the name "active" means that this one erupted in the last 10 000 years. Not that it's erupting now like Etna for example. And there are different volcanos like that. Here for example the highest volcano in Russia, Kljuchevskaja Sopka (4750 m).

Ключевская сопка
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The other is Popocatépētl in Mexico (5452 m)

дымящаяся гора
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And here Etna (3340 m)

На вулкане Этна
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Gekla/ Island (1491 m)

Утренняя Гекла, сегодня восхождение
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12 May 2009

Fuji And Vesuvio

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I've never written about Japan here. So I wanted to correct this error.

After the last earthquacke in Abruzzo we speak an think relatively often about Japan. Because this country is also situated in a place where the earthquackes are often but we rarely hear that the Japanese have so many problems with them as Italy has. How is it possibe? Maybe there is nobody who invents to build houses with sand there. Maybe it's unpossible there. For Italy the 5 grades earthquacke was a national tragedy. Is something like this possible in Japan? Did you know that the scientists from Japan came to visit Abruzzo after the last earthquacke?

Mount Fuji on the photos over is 3.776 m high. It's the highest mount in Japan. (Wikipedia)

Mount Vesuvio, that is situated not far from our house, is not so high, only 1281 m. On the photo from Wikipedia it is seen from satellite. Do you note the difference between these two satellite photos? No one house round the Fuji and only houses around Vesuvio. You hardly can find a piece of earth there. 

Everybody knows that this vulcano has to erupt in the next years. Somebody says next 15 years more or less...
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06 May 2009

How To Organize House Removal

Moving home is a hard task and we think with horror about it from the same day we have the notice. To avoid this stressed experience you can consult moveme.com where you will find all tips and advices that make your life easier, and it offers you free comparision of local removal quotes of different companies specialized in removals in your zone and in the zone where you have to move. All the process is described there, all the points to remember are underlined and the planner is ready to use. Moveme provides you with answers on the finance questions too. So, you have everything ready to help you.

There are different possibilities to follow when you have to move home. Dipends on how big is your house. Can you do it yourself or you need help with packing and transporting? By the way, Moveme offers you 10% discount if you need professional help with paching.

If you have only 1-2 rooms you don't need to call the big companies to help you. You can save money and time using man and van service. Moveme.com provides you with the addresses of the reliable firms. You can read there the opinions of other clients about them and it will help you to make your decision.

Finally if your house is big you have to look for a removal company. Specially if you move in summer you have to book them.So you have to know day and time of the event before you call them. Moveme allows ou to compare the quotes of removal companies situating in your zone using their free online service. There are not obligations if you request them. These companies are licensed and insured and you can read about the quality of their service and to partecipate on the online rating.

Services of Moveme.com assure that you have a happy removal experience.

05 May 2009

Long The Iteneraries Of The Pilgrimages

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Did you know that the biggest gottic cathedrals and monasteries are situated long the iteneraries of the medieval piligrimages?

I knew about it only some days ago. I've never thought it could be a precise plant to follow behind all these constructions. Now I wanted to go in depth with this question and found an interesting article (in Italian) about it. If you look on the map, is written there, you will see that all these buildings (cathedrals and monasteries) are distant more or less the same one from the other. It was because the piligrims could find place to sleep etc. every night. The important points were -in Spain (Jaca, Loarre, Frómista, San Isidro di León, Santiago de Compostela), in France (Sainte-Foy, Saint-Sernin, Saint-Gaudens, Saint-Sever).

Returning to the gotic cathedrals (the most beautiful for me) they say that they are "children" of Templars (Knights Templar Places In Europe ) and full of mystic symbols and similar. The style is completely new for that period and comes in Europe when Templars turn back from Palestine -about 1128.

Кёльнский собор
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Viking's Boats

любимой норвегии посвящается
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Just because I began to write about Norway where I dream to go one day, I wanted to tell about an interesting museum I read about. It's museum of Viking's boats. It is situated in Oslo. What I liked when I visited Finnland -and I understood the system is the same in orway too- they have very interesting museums. Not only the exposition of anonimous things as in any other museum. It is not interesting if there is nobody who could explain you what it is and rarely there are special persons to do it. You have to pay to have information.

That museums are made so, that you can see the scenes and even touch, wear, partecipate. Very interesting.

Лодка викингов
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In Bergen To Live Like A Normann

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I like the nature of the northern Europe. Palms and other exotic plants are good but nothing can be so beautiful as our "simple" plants and nature generally. For me. Unfortunatelly I,ve never seen fjords. And those are my dream.

If you plan to visit nothern Europe, you have to plan the trip now. Because the best time to go there are July, August and maybe first weeks of September.

I read this morning about one of the towns in Norway, Bergen, and found some photos of it. They tell many interesting things about it. There are reconstructed antique houses and a fortress there. And during a special festival you can live the antique times personally.

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