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02 June 2009

What Is Excellent In Italy

We have my cousin and his family here this days. They are for the first time in Italy and had never see a sea before. So they are enjoying the life even if the weather is very very bad. They were fortunate because they could stay on the beach the first day they came here.
As it is normal for many of us, they did not protect the skin and are now all red as lobsters. So, the bad weather is good for them.

But we can learn what is perfect in Italy observing them.

First of all, the beach.
Clearly it is the best beach we have here. It's too far, about an hour of driving from our house, but it is really perfect. The air is terribly good. You can not breath enough when you are there. There are pines nearby and the white sand. The water was warm and the girls did not want go out all 5 hours they were there.

«Италия» на Яндекс.Фотках

The other is the pizza.
As in every business, there are good cooks and bad cooks. My husband took pizza from our preferite pizzeria (the shop where it is made for your eyes) for them yesterday. They tasted it so as it was the best food in the world. Pizza in Germany, told they, is completely different.


Next good thing in Italy is coffee.
Italians (and I now too) make it using a special coffee machine. And coffee is completely different from what you can drink in other countries even if you go in bar and order "espresso". Here I can testimonial because I tasted it in different places like Amsterdam, Moscow, München etc.

«Италия» на Яндекс.Фотках

On the photo coffee machines for 2 and for 6 persons.

And then, they had a grave incident -they were not prudent to live a bag with their clothes on the back sit of the car, and some delinquents broke the glass and stole the bag. Imagne the tragedy. But all the Italians that saw it and understood they do not can speack and are foreigners helped them. They assisted them on every step letterally.


  1. М-да, новички. А что, никто им в Германии не рассказывал, как надо на юг ездить?

  2. У них один восторг сплошной, ну и каждый местный житель рад радёшенек их выжать как может.

    Мы их не предупредили, потому что мы ведём себя соответственно "месту проживания" автоматически. Мне просто и в голову не пришло предупреждать, что не купаться всем вместе, чтобы один оставался возле сумок всегда, что не оставлять ничего на виду в машине, чтобы не провоцировать. Тем более бросить сумку на заднем сиденье и уйти -это просто ну невозможно и представить...

    Ну в общем, не предупредили. Мы туда 13 лет ездим, машину чуть ли ни на дороге оставляем -никогда ничего не случалось, и не слышали никогда о таком. Зона там спокойная. Не знаю я.

  3. Это потому, что у них номера немецкие. По этой же причине мы не очень-то хотим передвигаться на своей машине по Италии.

  4. Возможно. Хотя там всегда немцев полно. В общем, не повезло.


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